terça-feira, novembro 30, 2004

Encontro do Grupo CIbearte dia 30 nov 2004

Estavam presentes
Paulo Barreto
Fabio Pingler

- Realidade aumentada
- Controle remoto via WWW

Grey World

UMBRELLA.net is a developing research platform at the Networks and Telecommunications Research Group at Trinity College Dublin. It is a collaboration between Jonah Brucker-Cohen and Katherine Moriwaki. Other collaborators are listed below.

A mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a self-configuring network of mobile routers (and associated hosts) connected by wireless links—the union of which form an arbitrary topology. The routers are free to move randomly and organise themselves arbitrarily; thus, the network's wireless topology may change rapidly and unpredictably.

Ad hoc is a Latin phrase which means "for this [purpose]." It generally signifies a solution that has been tailored to a specific purpose, such as a tailor-made suit, a handcrafted network protocol, and specific-purpose equation and things like that.
Such a network may operate in a standalone fashion, or may be connected to the larger Internet.

The popular IEEE 802.11 ("Wi-Fi") wireless protocol incorporates an ad-hoc networking system when no wireless access points are present, although it would be considered a very low-grade ad-hoc protocol by specialists in the field. The IEEE 802.11 system only handles traffic within a local "cloud" of wireless devices. Each node transmits and receives data, but does not route anything between the network's systems. However, higher-level protocols can be used to aggregate various IEEE 802.11 ad-hoc networks into MANETs.

A list of some ad-hoc network protocols can be found in the Ad hoc protocol list.

UMBRELLA.net: UMBRELLA.net is an experimental platform for developing ad-hoc networks based around coincidence or chance occurrences. The project utilizes the haphazard and unpredictable patterns of weather and crowd formation as a catalyst for network formation. This approach is meant to challenge traditional conceptions of how networks form and function by correlating their existence to circumstances beyond people's direct control. The system consists of a set of umbrellas as nodes that can spontaneously form based on weather conditions. UMBRELLA.net establishes a visual footprint of a network in public space and creates a framework for sharing localized information among connected nodes.

The project consists of 10 Bluetooth-equipped umbrellas each with an accompanying Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) that is running the networking software. When opened, the hardware on the umbrellas, communicate to the PDAs to initiate a network connection to a nearby umbrella. The umbrellas illuminate their states with bright LEDs. There are 3 states: 1) Pulsing red if searching for nodes, 2) Pulsing blue if connected to other umbrellas, 3) Flashing blue if transmitting data between umbrellas. These visual cues allow the general public to engage with the project. Those holding the umbrellas will be able to use the built-in chat program on the PDAs to communicate with other participants. There is also a visualization of the network displayed on the iPaq screens to show each person where they are in relation to others in the network and illustrate the multi-hop routing structure of the project.

About Jonah Brucker-Cohen and Katherine Moriwaki: Jonah Brucker-Cohen is an artist, researcher, and Ph.D. candidate in the Disruptive Design Team of the Networks and Telecommunications Research Group (NTRG) at Trinity College Dublin. He is currently an HEA researcher in the Human Connectedness Group at Media Lab Europe in Dublin, Ireland. His writing has appeared in numerous international publications including Wired Magazine and Rhizome.org and he the co-founder of the Dublin Art and Technology Association (DATA Group).His work has been shown at events such as DEAF (03,04), UBICOMP (02,03,04), CHI (04) Transmediale (02,04), ISEA (02,04), Institute of Contemporary Art in London (04), Whitney Museum of American Art's ArtPort (03), Ars Electronica (02,04) and others.

- http://www.spectropolis.info/photos/index.html

Lynn Hughes e Simon Laroche - Canadá
Perversely Interactive System | Sistema Perversamente Interativo

Tim Pritlove - Alemanha
Project Blinkenlights | Projeto Blinkenlights

In celebration of the Nuit Blanche art festival in Paris, Project Blinkenlights has transformed Tower T2 of the Bibliothèque nationale de France into what is claimed to be the world's largest computer screen. The 520 pixel display, called Arcade, consists of a matrix of 20 x 26 of the building's windows -- resulting in a giant computer screen having an area of 3370 square meters.

Bill Vorn

Matthias Gommel

sexta-feira, novembro 19, 2004

Projetos interessantes a pesquisar

oncotype oncotype.dk/
Oncotype ApS
-- filmes interativos (http://oncotype.dk/portfolio/archives/noodlefilm/)
ver "switching" (http://www.switching.dk/da/ e http://www.switching.dk/en/)
Niels Hemmingsens gade 32A, 1TH
1153 København K

Mathias Gommel
Juke_Bots (transmediale - Berlim)
ler matéria em: http://www.dvara.net/HK/ludovico.asp

ver tb: Algorithmic Echolocation (2003) von Ramon Guardans, Adolf Mathias, Martin Schüttler, Matthias Gommel, Götz Dipper and Renata Sas.
no ZKM http://basic-research.zkm.de:8080/basic_research/installations

Golan Levin
Messa di Voce (Prix Ars)


Rafael Lozano-Hemmer


Outras fontes:

Bits on Location - http://www.datenamort.de/eng/indexe.html
Imon - http://www.imon.de/about.html
C-Watch (Anne Katrin Konertz e Camilla Hager) - http://dingbats.digital.hdk-berlin.de/anne/
m-Disco - http://myhd.org/mdisco/
n:Info (Julia Guther e Jakob Lehr ) - http://myhd.org/ninfo/


Olá pessoal!

como muitos de vocês já sabem, nosso projeto foi aprovado como extensão e podemos dar continuidade aos nossos encontros pois teremos verba para realizar nossa instalação.

Como estamos no fim de ano, a loucura é muito grande, podemos também ir trocando idéias via email e via blog.

Além disso, gostaria de marcar um encontro presencial com vocês na terça da outra semana, dia 30 de novembro.

Na semana que vem, estará ocorrendo o Simposio do FILE e apresentarei palestra no dia 24, às 16h.

Outra dica: não deixem de olhar o VILLETTE NUMÉRIQUE 2004 :: Festival international des arts numériques à Paris (http://www.villette-numerique.com/2004/pages/index.php?pg=16)

abraços a todos
